George Adamski

Famous and much vilified UFO contactee of the 1950's. Adamski was born in Poland on 17th April 1891. His parents emigrated to the United States in 1893.

He claims to of been taken aboard spaceships, seen cities on the 'dark side of the moon', met humans from Mars, Venus and Saturn. He also claims that he was told that all the planets in our solar system are inhabited.

However he also produced a large quantity of photos of these craft and some but not all have been proved to be hoaxes.

In 1954 researcher Thomas Eickhoff attempted to bring him to Federal Court so that he could prove by use of the testimony of the two scientist who Adamski claimed had witnessed one of his alleged trips into space. The attempt failed because the Court ruled that the subject of UFOs was considered Maximum Security by the CIA.

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